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Dayle Foote

Property - 

Manawaru School Board of Trustees


Tell us something about yourself.

 I was born and breed a local Te Aroha man.  After leaving college I  started my building apprenticeship and now I run a small building  business. I have over 20 years experience in the building industry.  When I'm not on site I enjoy a good round of golf.  I was brought up on a local dairy farm in Springdale with my three older brothers. We were a very sporty family.  I am now enjoying being the spectator, watching my kids do all the running around on their various activities. I have three children,  two attend Manawaru School and my eldest attends Te Aroha College.


How was school for you?  

On a whole school was pretty good for me. I attended Springdale  Primary School and later Te Aroha College.  I was lucky enough to have enjoyed the subjects that related to my career choice as I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a builder. Being very sporty myself I was given opportunities at college level, allowing me to  travel the countryside. This gave me many positive experiences and have made many lifelong memories and friends.  


What is something you have learnt since coming on the Board of Trustees?

 I have been on the board of Trustees for just over a year now, and I'm still learning the ins and outs of the job.  It's been an interesting and   enjoyable process learning about the day to day running of a school and all the details that help provide our children with an   awesome learning experience.


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